COSMIC WOOD provided servers, streamlined and perfected through time and experience, are able to get clients to achieve record momentum in all HTTP networking activities even when running through content-heavy networks. In short we will be able accelerate your daily transmission of static assets located in your ‘root’ folder from origin in CDN by default, as well as deliver assets which appear like dynamic PHP content but are in fact static files like CSS, JS, and images. It’s your call!
Take to any web page or HTTP address in the shortest time possible!
You will not be troubled by slow-moving connection and frozen displays anymore!
Connect and combine the processing powers of units connected to your server for more power!
Connect with us for our HTTP Acceleration technologies ready to be deployed on demand. Get noticeably better latency and connectivity speeds today!
Surf across all Chinese networking channels and HTTP landscape without the usual latency, third-party influence or telco self-censorship effects. Load those pages you need instantly today!
While delivering HTTP acceleration excellence, COSMIC WOOD also ensures that customers in need can subscribe to certain exclusive packages that are adjusted in perfect harmony to their budgetary and networking needs. Call it business partnership faith.
Get your very own dedicated Asian Access networking packages that comes with our optimized HTTP Accel guarantee. Packages are setup with the clear objective of catering to clients of all demographics so there will always something for everyone!